My scholarship has focused on the development of human-centered online interfaces that might help college-students better conduct academic research. This work includes the development of several speculative interface prototypes, and IRB approved user-testing studies that I conducted with WSU students in 2012. I am also interested in the use of metaphor to design interactive systems and interfaces that allow users to more easily understand concepts and navigate through search results.
These efforts have resulted in publications and presentations, including a chapter in an edited book, a public presentation at a prestigious conference, and the publication of the paper presentation in the conference proceedings. Most exciting, I have been invited to write a peer-reviewed, online book about search interfaces by the Interaction-Design Foundation. The book will be written over the next year, and will be published through the organization’s website soon after.
This research will continue and expand in the next three years. I submitted a proposal for a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant in January 2014 (in collaboration with David Ferro, Dean of COAST), and will be refining more interface designs and conducting more user-testing in the next year.
Detailed information about my interfaces can be found here.
Information about my publication can be found here.